An extreme close up shot is a film technique used in movies when the camera is in max focus on a specific object.  most of the times this feature is used to expand words on a page, to see a bug, or like in the example to extremely get close to the face. The camera in a extreme close up usually only shows the face, and sometimes only the eyes. 

Extreme Long Shot

An extreme long shot is obviously the exact opposite of the extreme close up.  The extreme longshot, like in the picture of Lawrence of Arabia is used when there is a vast or huge scenery or landscape.  It is used to show how small the characters really are, and to capture them with the scenery.  Sometimes it is used by directors to show the viewers that the character may have a small personality or confidence, also to show that the character, is a "small fish, in a big pond."

Pov Shot

Point of view shot is a film technique that is also used very often by directors.  It can be used to put yourself in the shoes of the character, as if the camera was behind their sunglass or binoculars etc.  Or it can be used, like in the picture of Walter White, as if your were the object they were looking at.  Or you were underneath them.


Heisenberg, WW. Walter White. 2012. Photograph.  N.p.
Neeson, Liam. The Grey. 2004. Photograph. N.p.
Pinkman, Jesse. Lawrence of Arabia. 2004. Photograph.  N.p.

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